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Elf Rarity

Silver skin 10% (rare)

Gold skin 1% (ultra rare)
Neon Elf  (ultra rare)

Bronze helmet 25% (uncommon)
Silver helmet  5% (very rare)
Gold helmet 1% (ultra rare)

Less than 8% have VR goggles (rare)
Less than 8% have laser eyes (rare)
Less than 4 % have 3d movie glasses (very rare)

Red or pink eye color (uncommon)

Unnatural hair colors are (uncommon)

Tan hoods and White hoods are (rare)

Special items  (present and future)

Sword pack

Wooden sword x300 (common)

Silver Sword x200 (uncommon)

Gold Sword x100 (rare)

Fire Sword x100 (rare)

Ice Sword x5 (legendary) (comes with IRL redeemable)

Candle x10 (very rare)

Background pack

2 tone x300 (common)

3 tone x300 (common)

Flower background x100 (rare)

Planets x100 (rare)

Sunset x50  (very rare)

Fire topez x10 (very rare)

Iridescent x5 (Legendary) (comes with IRL redeemable)

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